【台灣製】VITALUX植物生長LED崁燈(投射型,嵌入孔18cm)全光譜型紅白混光【A4光譜】*led植物燈 栽培燈多光譜 多波段 植物栽培 園藝led ( https://www.pcstore.com.tw/vitaled-vip/M27858226.htm )*台灣製造,聚光型LED崁燈
*質量輕,厚度僅7.8cm,開孔137~140mm *特殊結構設計,散熱佳 *照射角度可以調整 *紅:白=1:2 |
LED植物燈(崁燈/嵌燈 系列)(2) 產品尺寸:φ 190(面框) x 78 mm (3) 崁入孔徑:160~180mm (購買前請先確認「嵌入孔徑」「嵌入深度」是否合適) (4) 發光角度:40度 (5) LED規格:24燈, 白光5600~7000K, 深紅光655~665nm (6) 紅藍光比:R/W ratio = 1:2
(7) 調光功能:不支援調光功能 (可另外訂製)
LED Grow LightsMore and more research is finding that LED grow lights give farmers unparalleled control over plant growth, development and nutritional content.MIT’s prestigious “Technology Review” recently published an article detailing the current research into the effectiveness of LED grow lights on growing food. We’ve excerpted the first few paragraphs here and added a link at the bottom so you can read the entire article at the MIT site. It won’t come as a surprise to discover that consumers all over the developed world are increasingly demanding seasonal vegetables all year round, even when the local climate simply doesn’t allow that kind of growth. Particularly sought-after are tomatoes, cucumbers and leaf vegetables. Which is why greenhouse farming has become a major factor in the food supply of the developed world. Consequently, the number of commercial greenhouses and the area they occupy is rocketing. In the Netherlands, for example, greenhouses occupy around 0.25 per cent of the land area of the entire country. And the Netherlands isn’t even the largest producer of greenhouse vegetables in Europe. That position is held by Spain. And the largest producer of greenhouse vegetables in the world is now China. This kind of farming has a significant impact on the environment. Commercial greenhouses have to be lit and heated in a way that optimises growth. And up to 35 per cent of the cost of greenhouse tomatoes comes from this heating and lighting. So an important question is how to minimize the energy it takes to grow these crops. One obvious answer is to convert greenhouses from the traditional incandescent lighting, usually high pressure sodium lamps, to more energy-efficient LED grow lights. That might seem like an economic no-brainer but the industry has been slow to make this change because of the high initial cost of LED grow lights. The question that farmers have pondered over is whether they will ever recoup the upfront cost of a brand-new system of lighting. And we have compared the life cycle costs of traditional high pressure sodium lamps against those of LED grow lights for greenhouse lighting. (ref.https://vitaled.com.tw/product-category/led%e7%89%b9%e6%ae%8a%e7%85%a7%e6%98%8e/%e6%a4%8d%e7%89%a9%e7%87%88%e6%b3%a1/) |